Fields it appears for
Add commas to alternative text
Enable this setting to use comma separators when displaying long numbers (eg: 123,456,000). This setting only affects how numbers are displayed in OpenForms. Raw data does not contain commas.
Alternative text
Add alternative text for your image. Alternative text describes what’s in the image so that people with visual impairments can still understand the form.
Character limit
Set a maximum number of characters that users can type into the field. This limit includes spaces.
Credit card gateway
Choose a gateway to use for the field. You need to add the gateway to OpenForms before you can do this. If you want to use a POLi gateway, leave this option blank.
CSS class name
If you want to style the field a certain way, add a CSS class name that you can reference in the Custom CSS styling area of Admin > Themes.
See Create a theme for your form for more information.
Data connection
(Enterprise plans)
Text, Number, Dropdown, Radio button, Email, Section
If you're an admin you can set up a data connection to an external service to validate or retrieve data for your form.
Select the data connection here to apply it to the field or section.
Visit our data connections help topic for more information.
Data privacy policy URL
Subscriber capture
Enter the URL for your organization's privacy policy. Respondents must consent to this before subscribing via Subscriber capture.
Learn more about the govDelivery connector.
Add a description for your form. This will appear for users under the field title.
Display as currency
Display the payment amount with a currency symbol in front of it. (for Payment field)
Display as numbered list
Enable this to display the field as a numbered list.
Display logic
All except Section
Show or hide parts of your form based on the user’s responses. You can show or hide text, a field, or a whole section of the form.
For example, on a pet registration form you could show different sections based on whether the user tells you they’re registering a dog or a cat.
Check this page out for more information.
End date
Choose the end date for your available date range. You can set this based on today's date or a response to another date field in the form.
External ID
(Pro, Business and Enterprise plans)
All except Section and Field set
Give the field an external ID. These are used in setting up data connections.
Field label
Dropdown, Checkbox, Radio button
Customize the label for your extra field.
File limitations
File upload
Set limitations on the files that can be uploaded. Choose the maximum number of files, the maximum file size, and the file types you will accept. The largest number of files you can accept is 100, and the largest maximum file size is 1 GB per file.
Be careful with file sizes if you have email response notifications turned on. If the combined size of a response's files exceeds 6 MB, you won't receive any of them as attachments to the email. Your email will include links to the files instead.
To learn more about file uploads, see file uploads: settings, restrictions and virus scans.
govDelivery connection
Subscriber capture
Choose which govDelivery connection to use for the Subscriber capture.
Learn more about the govDelivery connector.
Hide field on form
Hide this field from your form so users won’t see it.
Include ‘Other’ textbox option
Dropdown, Checkbox, Radio button
Select this to add a textbox option for ‘Other’ responses.
Maximum decimal places
Set a maximum number of decimal places that users can enter in the field.
Maximum number
Set a maximum number that users can enter in the field.
Maximum number of repeats |
Repeatable group |
Set the maximum number of answers a respondent can provide to a repeatable group |
Maximum repeat error message |
Repeatable group |
Set the error message displayed when a respondent attempts to exceed the maximum number of repeats |
Minimum number
Set a minimum number that users can enter in the field.
Minimum number of repeats |
Repeatable group |
Set the minimum number of repeats a respondent can provide to a repeatable group (to make the group optional, set this to zero). |
Minimum repeat error message |
Repeatable group |
Set the error message displayed when a respondent does not provide the minimum number of answers for a repeatable group and attempts to submit the form or proceed to the next section. |
Number of options user can select |
Checkbox |
Set a minimum and maximum number of options that a user can select. |
Enter a generic email address to use as a placeholder. It will display in the field when a user first opens the form.
Placeholder text
Text, Number
Enter default text or a default number to display in the field when a user first opens the form.
POLi gateway
Choose a gateway to use for the field. You need to add the gateway to OpenForms before you can do this. If you want to use a credit card gateway, leave this option blank.
Predictive search list
Make the field a predictive search field by choosing a list to use as the search options.
For more about lists, go to Create ready-made lists of answers to add to fields.
Prompt user to enter full name
Enable this to add a textbox element to the field where users enter their full name.
Regular expression
Enter a formula for a regular expression. We’ll use this to validate the format of the text that customers enter into the field. For example, you might expect them to enter a permit number with a fixed prefix.
Regular expression error message |
Text |
Enter an error message to show users when they enter something that doesn't match your Regular expression formula. |
Repeat label |
Repeatable group |
Set the label displayed to respondents for each instance of a repeatable group (for example, "Expense 1," "Expense 2," and so on). OpenForms will automatically add the appropriate number. |
Repeats for printable form |
Repeatable group |
Set the number of instances of a repeatable group shown on printable forms. |
Require email confirmation |
Email |
Select this to require respondents to enter email addresses twice to ensure they are spelt correctly. |
Required field
Text, Number, Dropdown, Checkbox, Radio button, File upload, Date, Email, Rank, Signature, Radio matrix, Check matrix, Location, Subscriber capture
Enable this to make the field mandatory for users to complete.
Required field error message |
Text, Number, Dropdown, Checkbox, Radio button, File upload, Date, Email, Rank, Signature, Radio matrix, Check matrix, Location |
Enter an error message to show users when they skip this required field. |
Set a date or date range
Choose the date or date range. You can set this based on today's date or a response to another date field in the form.
Smart Logic |
Section |
Use Smart Logic to show or hide the section based on previous responses.
Subscriber topics
Subscriber capture
Select which topics to make available for respondents to subscribe to.
Learn more about the govDelivery connector.
Tax and business registration information
Enter any important tax or business registration information that users should know. It will appear at the top of the payment field.
Text box size (number of lines) |
Text |
Choose how many lines of text appear in the field. This can help suggest an appropriate response length. |
Use options from list
Dropdown, Checkbox, Radio button
Choose a list to populate the field.
Use this address when emailing users about submissions
Check this box to use this field to collect users’ email addresses to send them confirmation or reminder emails.
Video Transcript
Add a transcript of the video to help people who have problems watching it.