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Manage the govDelivery Connector

This is an admin task 

The OpenForms govDelivery Connector lets you capture subscribers in your govDelivery account via your OpenForms.

Using the Subscriber capture field, form authors can choose which subscriber topics to display and respondents are able to select which topics they want to subscribe to.

You can connect multiple govDelivery accounts. For example, you can create one for staging and another for a production govDelivery environment. Your organization may also own several govDelivery accounts so you can create a separate connector for each.

Before you begin

To connect with govDelivery, you will need to work with your govDelivery administrator to obtain:

For best results, ensure your govDelivery administrator has the the relevant topics and categories configured in your organization's govDelivery account ready to receive subscribers. 

Set up the govDelivery connector 

Once you are ready to connect:

  1. Go to Integrations > Connectors and select govDelivery under Form add-ons.
    form add ons - govD.png
  2. Select Add to connect to a new govDelivery account.
    add account.png
  3. Enter the following details and select Add.
    • Name: a unique name for the connection
    • govDelivery API endpoint base URL: the base URL for your govDelivery environment
    • Account code: the Code from your organization's govDelivery Account Settings
    • Username: the username for a govDelivery user with the Web Services Account Administrator role
    • Password: the password for a govDelivery user with the Web Services Account Administrator role
      new connection.png
  4. Once added, the connection is listed in the Active connections. Select the connection to edit it and select See all to see a searchable list of forms using the connection.
    forms list.png

With the connection in place, form authors can start adding the Subscriber capture field to their forms.

Subscriber capture field settings

Form authors can add the Subscriber capture field to any form and choose which govDelivery connection to use and which topics to display to respondents. You'll find the Subscriber capture field in the Advanced section of the form builder.

field settings.png

The field settings are accessed via the gear icon.

Required field?
Check this box to make it mandatory for respondents to complete before submitting the form.
Description Add a description for the field. This will appear below the field title.
govDelivery connection
Choose which govDelivery connection to use on this form. This will influence which Subscriber topics are available for authors to display; the Subscriber topics will populate once you select a connection.
Data privacy policy URL
Enter the URL to your organization's privacy policy, which will be linked in the form. Respondents will need to consent to this policy before they can submit and subscribe on your form.
Subscriber topics
Check each topic or category you want to include in your form. These topics are created in govDelivery and accessed via the govDelivery connection you choose. Each topic you check will be presented to form respondents as they subscribe. Select all to check all topics and Clear all to uncheck all topics.
subscriber topic selection.png

Using Subscriber capture

Select Save and preview to see how respondents can subscribe to govDelivery topics.

  1. As they fill out the form, respondents will see a radio button question that represents your Subscriber capture field and the list of Subscriber topics you selected. By default, the Subscriber capture field is not a required field, so respondents can move through the form without select Yes or No.
  2. Selecting Yes will allow them to provide an email address and check the topics they want to subscribe to. If your form has an Email field, the address provided will be piped into the Subscriber capture.
  3. Respondents are required to check the box consenting to your privacy policy before continuing or submitting. The Data privacy policy URL you provided will be linked here.
  4. Selecting No will remove the topics display and allow them to continue or submit the form.
    no subscription.png

You can manage subscribers, topics, messages, and reports from your govDelivery account.

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