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Show or hide fields using display logic

Depending on your plan, you can make a field read-only or hide it from your responders. You can also set up your form to show or hide it under certain circumstances - we call this feature Smart Logic.

To find these options, hover over a field and select the gear icon > Display logic.

Always show a field

Always show is the default setting. It means the field will always be shown on your live form.

Always show a field as read-only

This setting is useful if you want to use a field as an example or to convey information.

  1. Hover over a field and select the gear icon.

  2. Open Display logic.

  3. Select Always show as read-only. Responders will be able to see the field, but not interact with it.

  4. Save your form.

Always hide a field

Business and Enterprise plans

Perhaps your field is only useful to you, not your responders. A good example of this is a calculation field that’s being used to work out a payment. The payment field will show the same cost as the calculation field, so you can hide the calculation to streamline your form.

  1. Hover over a field and select the gear icon.

  2. Open Display logic.

  3. Select Always hide. The field will always be hidden on your live form.

  4. Save your form.

Show or hide a field based on Smart Logic

Pro, Business and Enterprise plans

Smart Logic lets you show or hide a field if a responder has chosen a certain answer earlier in the form.

Before you set up Smart Logic make sure all your fields, groups, and sections have names, then save your form.

Smart logic cannot reference specific fields within a repeatable group. But you can reference the sum of number and calculation fields within those groups. (For example, the sum of an itemized list of expenses). 

To set up Smart Logic for fields:

  1. Hover over a field and select the gear icon.

  2. Choose Display logic > Show or hide based on Smart Logic.
    If your field is a section, choose Smart Logic.

  3. In the drop-down menu, choose whether you want to Show or Hide the field.

  4. Select Add scenario to build a rule that defines when you want the section to be shown or hidden.

Build a rule for showing or hiding the field

Smart Logic scenarios use earlier answers to determine whether a field is shown or hidden.

For example, an animal registration form might show different fields depending on whether a respondent has indicated they have a cat or a dog. 


But scenarios can also be based on particular date ranges, or days of the week.

move in date.png

Or whether a previous field was shown or hidden.

is shown2.png
In this way you can create cascading Smart Logic scenarios, in which a respondent's answer to a particular field can trigger the display of multiple additional fields. 
Build each rule using the drop-down menus.
Choose a section, a field, and a response to the field, then press Add.

If you’ve used a list to fill the options for a field, you won’t be able to build a rule that refers to a specific option. You have to set the options manually.

You can add as many rules as you want to the same scenario. The rules will layer, so the section will only be shown or hidden if all the requirements for the rules have been met.

Save your changes to add the scenario to the field. You can add as many scenarios as you want.

For example, show a message to respondent who are eligible for rebate if their installation date was in the last 7 days (including today): multiple-scenarios.PNG

Remember to save the whole form when you’re finished. Now that you’re done, your responders should only see that field when they need to.

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