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View archived forms

When you archive a form, we move it to a safe place where you can access it if you need to in the future. To see all your archived forms, go to the Forms menu and select Achived from the Show menu. (Make sure you have the right workspace, or 'all my workspaces' selected).

archived show.png

Select any of your archived forms just like you would a draft or a published form to view them and browse their responses. If you want to restore a form to edit it, use the Restore button at the bottom of the screen. Your form will be restored to Forms as a draft.


You can permanently delete a form directly from Archived forms by choosing Delete from its '...' menu.

delete 2.png

Your archived forms are included in your OpenForms storage limit, so deleting them will free up some storage space. Read more about tracking your storage limit

If you’re restoring a form to re-use it (e.g. an annual registration form) you might want to export and delete its old responses before you publish it.

Check out the Create help topics to find out more about what you can do with your forms, including your archived ones.

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