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Add users

This is an admin task

If you’re an admin, you can add users to your organization. Each user has a role that determines what they can do on OpenForms. To learn more about roles, check out Roles in OpenForms..

Users can also be added to OpenForms through external management systems like the Azure AD connector and the OpenCities CMS. If you're not sure how your organization manages OpenForms users, ask an account owner before adding new users.

To add a user:

  1. From the main menu, go to Admin > Users.

  2. Select Create User.

  3. Enter the Basic details

  4. Use Permissions to select their role

    Only account owners can create other account owners.
    You can select multiple roles (for example, author and reviewer). Some roles, like account owners and admins, contain multiple roles by default.
  5. Set their notification settings. They’ll be able to change these themselves later.

  6. Select Create.

Your new user will be sent an email with a link for them to set their password. Once they’ve done this, they’ll be able to login to OpenForms.

Come back to the user area whenever you want to edit your users’ account details. You can read more about this in Manage users.

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